Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday morning blessings!

Being very blessed by the 1:30 a.m discussions about the grace of God and the breakfast discussions of His love and how He calls us to to live for Him by being His hands and His feet and by seeing others through His eyes! Pretty deep for first thing in the morning but that is just how wonderful my room mates are and how much God is working in their hearts and lives.
"I am the vine, your the branches, if you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
"Your grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness." 1 Cor 12:9
"You will seek me ad find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer 29:13
These are three verses that are painted onto our apartment walls and are meaning alot to me!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

From the Jane and Finch Girls Apartment!

Morning everyone!
As preparation for camp continues we are also really getting to know everyone we will be working with as well as our house mates. 
A daily return right now is an easy start to our mornings giving us plenty of time for devotions and time to journal as well as maintain our relationship with our God. Camp preparations also begin with devotions and a time of sharing. A couple days ago for the first time every Urban Promise and it's staff and interns where able to sit down with the leaders of the church from where Urban Promise Camp Victory is run out of. It was a great couple hours of hearing about each others lives and seeing how God has all lead us here for this summer. Preparation for camp includes lots of designing posters and banners and a bunch of art stuff. Needless to say i am not the most creative person here. Thankfully God has me working with a graphic designer which is pretty neat......he's really good! Also working on preparing what is called a Passion Project. Each intern has to come up with something that they are passionate about to teach the kids for a half an hour a week. 
At the end of a normal day right now everyone normally returns home by about 7 since it is about a half an hour trip on the TTC. Us interns then have the evening to ourselves mostly. The game Dominion has become a nightly competition and i still have not yet won :( lol Also i was super blessed last night to discover that every house mate of mine enjoys to take a run. Last night Kathrin and i headed out to discover a lovely patch of green in this busy city. 
We have the end of this week and next week for training yet and official camp starts on the 9th of July. Please pray that we get everything we need to completed by this time and especially for the supervisors and camp directors as they have a lot on their plates.  
Also pray for the kids that God will start softening their hearts now for camp and to learn about Him!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Hey everyone!
To start off with i am typing on a German laptop which means that the keyboard is laid out different (weird i know) so if there are mistakes that is why.
I am settled in my apartment and i love it! I life with 4 girls one from Ireland, two from Germany and one from Canada. We have a cute slightly old and rundown apartment with 2 bedrooms and our apartment is invested with cockroaches. They are everywhere and we can not get rid of them!!!
The first day Sunday we traveled 2 hrs on the ttc to get to church to witness Kevin's and Merwin's baptism which was really kewl and then a bunch of us interns just hung out at the Don mills apartment which is the other living location. I life at the York location which is located one block up from Jane and Finch.
So i found out that i will be working in Rexdale at Camp Victory with the YMAD which stands for Youth Making A Difference. I will be working with Kido who is a guy from Korea who does not yet speak very much English but he is learning. Jonny, Paul and i where teaching him a game last night it was pretty fun!! 
We started training today and now just chilling out before we go grocery shopping and then to church again. It is so incredable awesome here and the enviroment is so great! There are a ton of germans here tho! Like 8 germans who are a part of Urban Promise (they all leave the end of July which is really sad) and they have a bunch of friends who came to visit this weekend so there was like at least a dozen of them which was fun! 
I am also learning Korean from Kido which is fun! 
So excited for the summer and the challenges today i was instructed to prepared 6 lessons to teach the kids so have to start working on that! Pray for unity for the teams and the apartments. Pray for safety for Paul who goes home to germany tonight.
And ya just keep us all in prayer!!
Thanks guys for your suport and prayer!
I love it here!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Last day!

Today is June 22 which means just one more day before I head to Toronto. It also means that it is the last day of shool for me = Big test = :/
Its been a great and very busy week up to this point but i got to spend acouple days up at the cottage with the majority of my family. At one point all of us siblings where together which was really also special since it was my parents 30th Anniversary!! Congrats Mom and Dad. To be honest i kind of totaly forgot about it :/ and i thought it was their 29th not 30th. Needless to say it wasn't as big of a deal as it should have been. But it was wonderful to all be together, relaxing and just cottaging together.
I'm really excited to get this last test writen and done with. Also can't wait to be finished with the packing and yah i am excited to get started and figure out where i will be staying for the summer as well as who i will be living with :)
Also can't wait for my family to get home from the cottage to hang out with them again!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Coundown has officially started:
9 more days of school
4 more days of work
and 11 more sleeps untill i move to toronto!
I am so creazy busy these days trying to finish up everything that needs to be done before i take off for 2 months!
Just finished filling out forms for a new made me sad...i will have to turn in my old passport that has my stamps from traveling to SA. I want to keep it for memory sake!
I am super blessed, so amazed at how my heavenly Father works everything out for the best! Who knew that this whole summer adventure started with me needing a location to complete my school hours at?
Not only is it going to cover my needed hours but it is going to exceed them and overflow! Overflow with blessings, and experiences, and new friends and best of all opputunity to share Jesus with many people!
Yup excited for it all to started, but still have yet to start thinking about packing, just typing that word scares me :/ 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Urban Promise

Count down is on, only 19 more days till i am headed off to the big city. Feeling quite overwelmed at this point as i have three more intense weeks at school only to finish one day before i'm heading down to Toronto. I'm sure it will all come together nicely tho.
Today i recieved new info on the donation process through Urban Promise.
To make a donation go to , select Urban Promise Toronto, and select my name under fund/designation list.
For those of you who are reading this and yet have no idea what i am talking about go check out , i am joining there mission for the summer as an intern to work within with kids within govenment housing providing activities that are fun and based and focused on and around Jesus Christ.
Thats it thanks for reading and i'm hoping to keep this updated as much as possible.
P.S if you would like to be added to my list of praying supports please email me at -
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Gal. 6:9