Wow.....second day of camp is over and i am tired. It started so incredably {thats my word for this week....incredable} yesterday....i couldn't believe how fast the day went! We have 25 kids in the YMAD {Youth Making A Difference} program and 6 girls in my small group.
First day went super well and i enjoyed it so much, my whole team was impressed with how well it went. I had a really kewl experience with one of the girls who has a very strong personality and was challenging me. I had previously discipled her and her challenege to basket ball was done as a dare.
Since i have never really played legit basket ball she had to teach to me her moves and i think it really build respected in us both for eachother.
Last night us Interns went to a worship service which was very encouraging.
Second day of camp also went super well....start with devotions just like every day.
We then bus {i skipped over this part but we do this every day} we bus from a church {where we meet} to a school where camp is held with the kids. We then have games and lunch, Word Up which is bible study time and then more games and snack and free time before we bus back to the church.
On Tuesdays we have Missions Impossible Theme day.
So all our games are based on a point system as well as good behaviour, and the kids lose points with bad behavour or disrespectfullness. That really helps with discipline issues.
Today was harder then yesterday, they kids are getting more comfortable and like to see how much "bad" behaiour they can get away with.
One girl in my game team really gave me a difficult time and i should have made her sit out of free time due to her behaviour but i still struggle with having the athority and being "mean". But talked to me team about it and they are going to encourage and back me up on it which is awesome.
I have a very close knitt and suportive team and i pray that we are able to stay this way even when we grow tired and exhausted because i'm sure we will. 9 hour days at camp make anyone tired.
Tonight we have an Intern night which means Jeremy {our intern director} comes over and makes us all dinner YAHHH! And then we have three hours of devotions and question and talking and all that kind of stuff. Just a real night of fellowship which i am looking forward to.
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