To start off with before all of this start we were hanging out as a team, (suppose to be preparing for the day) but instead of a few of us were trying to find a box of chocolates that a few others had hidden from us. We succeeded in finding it and proceed to hide it from them, which turned into them again hiding which only one options, find it again!
We searched and searched, even got out a 15 foot ladder which almost tragic we thought we had been caught searching and my fellow partner in crime let our a death scream which almost ended in me falling off of the ladder! We still have yet to find that chocolate! The story will continue!
As the day proceed I hung out and helped out during the kids program from 4-6 which was crazy loud and pretty stressful due to drama between the 9+10 girls and the 9+10 boys which led to a fight a lot of time outs, missed dinners and conversations!
The night continued with the youth arriving at 6 and the girls hanging out with me in the kitchen as I cooked. One girl particular was acting odd and refused to leave my side (she normally doesn't want to be any where near me) and she got even stranger when I certain boy dropped in to visit, actually all the girls started acting up. Oh to be 12 again!
Was only a few minutes from all that happen until I realized one of my older girls in the corner crying, the other girls had been teasing her about an incident from earlier that day when she had fell into the mud from the bus on their grade 8 visit to high school, embarrassing! That took a bit to work through with her.
Next we proceed to word up were the chatter was endless and the unspoken words yet clearly shown in body language was quite loud, lots of giggles! Moving on we played a wide game which turned into a game of dodge ball! To finish off the evening was walking kids home (a lot of them are very scared of walking at 8:30 in the dark even just 2 blocks by themselves), helping kids talk to the supervisor about not having money for the bus, or for the trip to Muskoka next week. Now I am home reflecting on the moments of this awesome day, ups and downs, drama, fights, conversations, walks home, looking at stars, laughter and silly giggles, every part of it reminds me of another reason why I love what I am doing!
Hang onto these crazy moments. They will be memories, gifts that can never be taken away.