Sunday, January 10, 2016

Can these dry bones live?

"Can these dry bones live, Ezekiel"?
I'm sure Ezekiel must have felt a moment of panic as he attempted to answer correctly.
"Only you know Lord".
Seem safe enough, right.
But then it gets interesting, doesn't it.

God instructs Ezekiel to prophecy, to prophecy of the bones coming together, for flesh to cover the bones and than at last he is to prophecy the wind rushing through and breathing life into what was once dead to live.

I wonder how Ezekiel was feeling after all of this? I wonder what went through his mind, his heart. Was he afraid, inspired, I wonder of the impact this had on his life personally.

Recently, I heard a sermon of this passage and for the past week it repeatable runs through my mind and I imagine being asked this question by God as I encounter the "normal" brokenness of this life. "Can this youth ________ live again?"............"can this team of people you love that has faced lose, who are tired and weak, truly find abundant life in Me?"........"can my Spirit truly breath into dead people, life"?

It's the center of the gospel and the pinnacle on which my faith and life anchors on. Do I believe that, truly only God knows but that He is able to breath life over what was once dead to make it live, alive, fully, vibrantly, in Him.

Ezekiel 37:1-14

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