Monday, March 7, 2016

Open heart, open home, open life.

One of my struggles since moving away from Warden Woods is finding ways to have my home and life open to the youth I work with apart from the hours when I am "at work".
Previously, living only a ten minute walk away from their front doors allowed for random bump in's as well as being able to regularly invite the youth into my home and thus into my life, apart from the hours I was technically working.
That fine line of being a missionary as well as living a missional life. 
For the past month I have been thinking, writing on my to-do-list and mentioning to Chris my desire to have some of the girls over for an evening. He of course supporting this 100% but finding a time proved to be a challenge.
Priorities, such a complex part of life. How to fit in, schedule and arrange only so many minutes, hours and days within a week.
The balance of getting enough sleep to be able to function well, finding time to be in quiet with God, to getting meals cooked. When to meet up with that friend that just keeps getting bumped to the next week, keeping that one night unplanned to order to have a meal with Chris at a decent hour, all the while trying to fit in these things that I really desire.
Last Friday I was able to have two girls over to my home. They were far to excited, it was as if I lived in a mansion. They chattered away in the back seat the whole way, screaming with excitement when we went on the highway.
Everything was amazing to them, from the mirror in the elevator, to my bathroom. It was such a simple and wonderful evening of creating waffles, spilling flour, stuffing faces with whipping cream and surprisingly playing chess.
As we pack up for the trip back to their homes they began making plans for their next visit.
In the midst of ministry moments like these are the ones that refresh and energize me. My prayer is that through the mess of flour spills, full stomachs and being in one another lives that somehow they would know from my life the surpassing love of Jesus for them!

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