Thursday, February 6, 2014

Stay, tonight I want you here.

I had my own plans, I don’t want to stay, I’m tired maybe I should just go home, there never seems to be a purpose in my being here, there’s enough leaders tonight, I can go. Yet that still small voice continues, “Stay, tonight I want you here”. I know that voice it is the one I that I am hearing more and more since that day I've been praying to be more aware and obedient to it. I know I should stay yet I’m still not sure why.

Ten minutes later and I’m still not sure why, maybe I heard something wrong. I pick up the phone for a bit, people wonder in and out of the room as I remain oblivious to who. A few moments late everyone is headed up stairs for dinner only one girl remains. I asked her if she is okay and she seems to snap out of being zoned out. Then it comes, one thing after another. Her teacher passed away last night which had let her in a state of frustrations, unknowns, and questions and pondering the meaning of life, what comes after death? We talked about future, present, struggles, uncertainties and God. We remained there for the next 2 hours, talking and discussing. I was able to encourage her and to challenge her forward as well as hearing more of her story and journey.

It unfolded into such a beautiful night of truth and friend being build. It is such a privilege it is to be in this young ladies life, she in unique, a bit of an odd ball, the girl who never walks normally but always dramatically just to make people laugh. Her goal in life is to make people smile and feel at home. I thank God for her and for His promptings for me to stay and be used and be blessed in this way. 

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