As a second year intern I am put into a new role of leading the first year interns in planning the entire week. This means in more simple language that I am alone with two of my peers are responsible for making sure they have thought through and have answers to every little detail involved in transforming a ware house sized gymnasium and planning and running a 6 hour daily program for 120 kids between the ages of 5-10 from three different communities in Toronto.
Up to this point my role has been to lead the planning process but what I have discovered is that my role is really to lead by example by modeling joy, excitement and passion even among the stress and pressure of needed to get everything done. I am very excited for this week and am anticipating big things. Our theme is Circus Petrium which is Latin for value. The gymnasium will be transformed into a circus and will be a fantastic atmosphere for the kids to have fun and to learn about the value they hold in the eyes of God.
Today I popped in to visit 6 stressed out but determined interns who where working away at creating posters, signs and decorations for next week. They were frustrated and overwhelmed but the sight of some Timmies donuts was a great encouragement. I spent the next couple hours with the painting and talking. My goal was to help them enjoy the process no matter how stressful it is. It was an encouraging time of hearing some of their stories and getting excited for the next week together.
Tonight I was also able to welcome a Missions team from Iowa who came all the way to help us run camp this week. I love having the opportunity to meet new faces and to share our vision and excitement with them, just as I hopefully am with you through this post.
As we continue to finish last minutes preparations please be praying for
- Peace and a calmness for our team.
- Rachel, Jess and I as we lead the first year interns this week, especially for Rachel as she finds leading very difficult and is nervous.
- The the interns running the programs
- Our Missions team, that it would be a time of learning, growth and blessing.
- For our streetleaders as many of them are first timers to March Break that they would be impacted by the message as well as they help to lead the kids.
- For the kid's who will be coming to camp for open hearts to receive the good news
- For safety for everyone.
- That above all else the Lord's name would be proclaimed and gloried in all we do.
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