Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dear Child

As I sat thinking this spilt out of my heart

How quickly people are demoralized
When truth is lost and they begin to rationalize
Child, treat others with the heart that I know you have
I know your neighbourhood is cruel
And that power does not come from kind words
Dare to be different
To create instead of destroy
Your heart is kind and you mind intelligent
Use your gifts, don’t hide them away
I know you seek thrill and adventure and fun
Run after these things with the best that you are
Step out of the norm, don’t even play the role
You are not the role
You are sweet, honest and important
Your have dreams, will and potential
No one can steal your dreams

My child, don’t forget who you are
The core of what makes you, you
You were created for so much more
I see the way you care
The look in your eye when she falls
And the way you run to pick her up
The tenderness as your comfort and hold her hand

My child, you are a treasure
A masterpiece, divinely created
Made exactly how you are because He declared
That you were good
His love declares the truth
And His ways bring freedom unknown to most men
I know it doesn’t feel that way
How could it in the mess of this life
Things are not as they ought
But what can you do, you are so young

My child you can be who you were made to be
Discard of the words of the world
Their tactics and schemes
Be kind, intelligent and important
Believe the truth of who you are
Look to Him, for He knows you best
The good you can do
The wisdom you can be
And the difference you can make

Monday, June 9, 2014

A different sort of update!

Silence, besides the birds chiming and our pool pump humming all I can hear is silence. Quite the change from just a few weeks ago sitting on my balcony surrounded by the noise of the city. Some I know would say I have it far better here in the silence of the country and currently (since I am in it) I would probably agree. There is something about the stillness that captures but the noise of the city intrigues me. As I have ventured into my summer apart for Urban Promise Toronto and the city (for the most part), I knew there was much that I could be busy with. However; I also knew the benefits and purpose of rest and spending time thinking and meditating with God as I prepare and begin to transition from being a temporary intern with UPT to being a permanent staff missionary.

Needless to say so far events have proven to keep me verily busy; helping my brother move, visiting and catching up over coffee’s with friends. When I am home my younger brothers forever are asking me to join them in play games and so much of my down time has been spend playing Dutch blitz, and other board games as well as losing checkers  to an 8 year old. I spend what time I can catching up on reading and am being challenged in my thoughts and actions as I read through a book called “Mud and the Masterpiece” by Burke. It works through a journey of why and how Christians are called to “call” out the masterpiece God has created in each and every human which has been terrible corrupted and stained by the mud of this world. I have learned a great deal as it takes everything back to the Jesus Christ revealed to us in the gospels of His heart of compassion, love and earnest desire for all to be reconciled to God and to find their true identity in the work of their creator and designer, God.

A big part of the purpose of having space and time from UPT this summer is to help make transitioning smoother from being an intern to being one who leads interns. That switch in my mind is hard enough without a change of my supervisors becoming my co-workers and peers as well as friends. The second part of the transition is finding the support of people to join or partner with me prayerfully and financially so that I am able to continue working/ministering daily within the community that I will work and be provided for from God’s economy. 
This is a hard one for me as I have since I was young kept up jobs and provided well for myself. It has been a learning process the past 2 years of trusting God to provide me with the things I am in need of in the ways that He sees fit. Being humbled has been a big part of these lessons and continue to be as God continues to sow me my complete dependency on Him in every aspect of life. Over this summer I am seeking to communicate my need, express the deep desire I and others have for those who have yet to be reconciled within themselves, with others and with God. The rest is very much up to Him in who He uses to encourage, support and pray for me. I’d appreciate prayers for confidence and assurance in God’s continued providence. On that note I can see so many ways that He is providing and working things out. I have also been able to spend some of my time working on a local farm that I grew up working on. This has been a huge blessing as it helps provide me with the means to be able to borrow my parent’s van and cover gas cost. I have been able to get around easily and without the worry or concern of how those things are going to get covered financially.

The last thing I would like to mention are my plans for the rest of the summer, along with a few other little project like fixing up chairs and getting creative (fingers crossed) I have been asked to assist, help or come along on a few different ministry opportunities. Although these excite me a great deal I am seeking God’s direction as I do not want to take on more than I am able or more then He wants me to. And finally, as I begin the daunting task of searching for an apartment please pray not only for wisdom and direction as to where I should live but that God would already be preparing a place of rest and peace.

Recap of prayer request:
People to partner with my financially and prayerfully as I move into a permanent role of ministry.
That God would continue teaching me as I spend time resting and learning with Him.
For the plans concerning the rest of the summer.
For apartment searching.

Lastly, (for the third time) if there are any questions and/or prayer request that I can keep in prayer for you please do not hesitate to email me at kiezebrink.janelle@gmail.com