Thursday, November 29, 2012

Apple Crisp

Time to share a quick little story.
So on Tuesday it was my turn to find snack for the kids during the after school program. 
We had a bunch of apples that were starting to go soft and brown so of course I thought apple crisp!
I whipped together a couple trays, got them cooking and crossed 
my figures hoping the kids would like it.
I added a small scoop of ice cream to each dish to make it look for appealing before I handed
 them out.There were quick a few complaints as is normal for our kids, 
who can be quite ungrateful at times but with some very clear warnings from 
their leaders they all managed to thank me for it.
There were also a handful of kids begging for the recipe which felt really great.
The next day I over heard one of the ten year old boys bragging to another kid who had missed
 camp the previous day about the amazing snack that he missed out. 
When they noticed me they begged to have apple crisp which put a huge smile on my face.
Then today again as I scanned the kitchen to see what we had 
I found another box of slightly brown soft apples.
I started chopping again and the kids were thrilled to hear that we again would enjoy warm apple 
crisp with a little scoop of ice cream.
Its been a huge hit with the kids, although a few of them will still scoop the apples out into the 
garbage can when no one is watching but I take great pleasure in making something that the 
majority of my kids are so excited to receive!
Who knew it could be so easy :)

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